

EVFTA – From macro level to micro level

Die praktische Umsetzung vom EU-Vietnam Freihandelsabkommen (EVFTA) in Vietnam

Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung fördert in Vietnam Marktwirtschaft und Freihandel. In einem Projekt hat die Stiftung zusammen mit der vietnamesischen Handelskammer VCCI und EuroCham vietnamesische Unternehmen aus dem Food-Bereich (Früchte aller Art, Reis etc.) zum Handel mit der EU vorbereitet. Das Projekt hat in Vietnam ein gutes Presseecho gefunden. BVMW-Unternehmen, die Interesse an Handelbeziehungen mit Vietnam haben, sind stets herzlich willkommen, Kontakt zu unserem BVMW-Auslandsbüro aufzunehmen. Wir stellen dann das entsprechende Netz her und unterstützen Sie gerne bei den weiteren Schritten...

Im Folgenden der bisherige und geplante Verlauf des Projektes aus Sicht der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung in Vietnam:

In 2020, EVFTA (and soon EVIPA) has opened a new chapter in the relations between Vietnam and the EU. On the macro level, EVFTA was introduced to all relevant circles in politics, administration and business. MOFA’s road show to the provinces, which was supported by FNF was very supportive. However, the question is still open on how to put EVFTA into practice and how Vietnamese companies can make effectively use of the chances of the agreement. As learnt from comments of businessmen in the provinces FNF visited this is the critical success factor. The Foundation´s idea is to create two or three best practice examples regarding EVFTA implementation on the micro level. These EVFTA-“lighthouses” could encourage others to follow. In order to create these best practice examples, firstly the Vietnamese side would have to define appropriate industry sectors and to select promising companies. In the second step, these Vietnamese companies are prepared and trained carefully and individually by other stakeholders. Moreover, companies in the EU would be selected, matched and prepared for the cooperation with the Vietnamese companies. At the end of the process, a VN-EU lighthouse project in business is created and could serve as best practice with a high press coverage.

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